Pocket Unit Converter was created for a high school math project.
Easily and quickly convert distance/length, temperature, mass and volume with Pocket Unit Converter
**Pocket Unit Converter Features**
- Simple and easy to use 3-step interface:
1. Select unit
2. Adjust value
3. Receive the converted values
- Scrollable pages to easily tack measurements
- Convert length/distances (feet, inches, yards, etc.)
- Convert temperature (Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin)
- Convert mass (pounds, ounces, grams, etc.)
- Convert volume (gallons, quarts, pints, etc.)
Unit examples:
LENGTHS to convert:
Convert feet, yards, inches, meters, kilometers, centimeters, millimeters
TEMPERATURE to convert:
Convert celsius, Fahrenheit, kelvin
MASS to convert:
Convert ounces, pounds, grams, milligrams, kilograms, U.S. Tons, metric tons, imperial tons
VOLUME to convert:
Convert U.S. gallons, U.S. quarts, U.S. pints, U.S. cups, liters